Monday, August 16, 2010

Bike. Market... Storm

Today my friend Beth and I headed up to Maniago to ride our bikes and visit their market. Maniago is an adorable little mountain town about 25 minutes from my house. We actually had looked at living there, but the drive to base is a bit longer than we wanted. Anyhow, this was my first trip there since driving through looking at houses.

Beth and I pack up our cars, bikes, trailors and kids. She has two kids - Ashlynn is Rylan's favorite little girl ever! We rode into the city center and started walking though the crowded market. We have noticed that when we ride with our baby trailors we seem to get a lot of attention - mostly smiles from passers-by. Today was no different. We got off of our bikes and pushed them though the busy market looking at everything from Mickey Mouse umbrellas to clothing to flowers. It seemed that everyone who passed us slowed down to look at one of all of the kids (espeically cutie Carson who is just 8mths old - Italians LOVE kids). We finally made it to a more open area of the market and found the most amazing curtain stand. Then we heard a huge thunder and noticed the very gray clouds coming over the mountain. The market became quite a scury to get packed up. I snapped a few pictures of the market and the curtains. I LOVE the red one with the 'nests' on it - but have no idea how to decorate a room around it... hmmmmm

Before it started to rain we let the kids stretch their legs at the fountain.

We headed back to our cars and the rain begain - lucky for the kids they were protected! We made it back to the cars just before the storm really hit.

While we didnt' get to ride on the local cycling path there we still had a good time and I'm looking forward to going back next Monday :)

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