Thursday, June 10, 2010

Cyclist in Italy are hard core!

Today was a great day. First off - our car arrived! Benvenuti in Italia little red Jetta! Ryaln went to school for a few hours and Travis and I headed over to pick up the car. Since we had the rental I drove the Jetta back to base. This was my first driving experience in Italy AND i haven't driven a manual in months (and only learned to drive a manual a few months ago). Italian roads are narrow and the drivers are insane! No one follows the speed limit and they pass whenever possible - even if it means a near head on head collision. Thankfully the drive from the car transport staion to the base was only about 3 miles and didn't go through any of the really narrow roads like in the city centers where there are roads like you see in the movies - literally only about 1.2 carlengths wide. I'm so NOT ready for that. On that note - I'd like to mention that I can't wait to get on my bike and RIDE!

Cyclist are everywhere! Today we drove our up to Piancavallo (the local ski resort above Aviano that sits just abour 4100 feet). The mountain had 7-15% grades the entire way up and we saw at least 5 cyclists on the way to the top!!! Seriously, do regular cyclists climb a mountain on Thursday afternoon???? I don't think so! I couldn't help myself from staring at their huge calves and trying to see what kind of bike they had. I am now on a quest to see if i can recognize any of my favorite cyclists - Levi, Lance, Ivan Basso etc. since i do not believe just anyone rides up those mountains on a sunny weekday afternoon.

In other Hoobalini news - We got word today that the current tenats of our new house will be out by the end of next week and we should be able to move in shortly after! I can't express how much I want to have a permanant home. Traveling for 7 weeks has certainly changed my perception and appreication of having my own home.

I hope all is well in your world.

buonanotte i miei amici ~ Heather

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you are checking out the local bike scene. You are going to come back to the states with Mad Riding Skillz. Think how easy the rides are going to be after training with real riders out there.

