Tuesday, April 20, 2010

3 Cheese Hoobalini

Welcome to our BLOG! I apologize for the cheesiness already, but we couldn't resist! Travis and I are excited to share our Italian adventures that are about to begin. We have a HUGE month ahead of us!

Travis is in Tacoma ~as I type~ dropping the car off to be shipped.
My last day of work is Thursday (and it's a long day, ending with a program that evening)!
Rylan and I fly to Indiana on Sunday to visit Rylan's Grandpa Steve. Then we'll catch up with Sallie and meet Tommy and V! Flying NC on Wednesday to visit family and friends! LOTS of family and friends.
While Rylan and I are playing and chatting our days away in sunny NC, Travis will be at home supervising packing, watching the dogs and cleaning the house. ~love you honey.
By the middle of May we will all be in Lewiston to see more family (espeically our nieces and nephews!)

And finally after 30 days of traveling, visiting and cleaning (for Travis) we will all be heading to Italy..... for 1460 days!!!!!

We hope you enjoy our Italian adventure!

Travis - Big Cheese
Heather - Mama Cheese
Rylan - Baby Cheese

(by the way, i know that hasta is not italian - it was Trav's idea :) ~HPH


  1. I love it Heather! I can't wait to keep up with your adventures!

  2. yay! BLOGS! I LOVE BLOGS! Miss you already.

  3. This is a wonderful way to keep in touch. I look forward to hearing all about your adventures in Italy....4 years seems like such a long time....Happy Travels Hoob Family
